
2021 October 28thUsing stories as components in Storybookstorybook 

Using stories as components in Storybook

One thing I've always wondered is if it's possible to re-use a Story, or use a Story as a component.

The scenario for me was having an All story that displayed each individual story I had for that component (in MDX you don't need an All story since you can preview multiple stories in a block). I didn't want to essentially write the same component twice.

I found the solution on this page:

// List.stories.js | List.stories.jsx import React from 'react'; import List from './List'; //👇 Instead of importing ListItem, we import the stories import { Unchecked } from './ListItem.stories'; export const OneItem = (args) => ( <List {...args}> <Unchecked {...Unchecked.args} /> </List> );

Applying it to my All scenario, here's an example of how it would look like:

const Template = (args) => <NavigationItem {...args} />; export const All = () => { return ( <> <Active {...Active.args} label="Active Nav Item" tw="mb-4" /> <Inactive {...Inactive.args} label="Inactive Nav Item" /> </> ); }; export const Active = Template.bind({}); Active.args = { label: "Budget", href: "#href", current: true, icon: HomeIcon, }; export const Inactive = Template.bind({}); Inactive.args = { ...Active.args, current: false, };


