
2019 May 25thSetting up a Hugo bloghugo 

Resources on how I setup my own blog with Hugo, Netlify, and Forestry. Log of problems I encountered and solutions I came across.


The setup path I took was:

  1. Install Hugo
  2. Install my theme
  3. Create the About Me page
  4. Create a new post
  5. Create my Git Repo
  6. Setup git in my site's project folder
  7. Deploy on Netlify
  8. Deploy on Forestry

Netlify deployment issue with Cactus Plus theme

Netlify kept throwing out a Error: Unable to find theme Directory: /themes/XXX error. It has something to do with submodules and the .git sub-directory. More info can be read here. The tldr; solution is to just manually install the theme via downloading the zip file, renaming extracted folder, and moving folder to themes/ directory.

The only con is that the theme no longer updates automatically. In this case it isn't as big a loss since Cactus Plus was last updated in 2018.


Main tutorials I followed were: